Howie Newman

It’s monthly, it’s free, it’s an exercise of my first amendment rights (while they last).
To sign up for the email distribution of this newsletter, click here and type "Sign me up!" in the subject line.
Click here for the latest tour info.
KOW 2025
My folk-rock duo, Knock on Wood, is now in its 11th year goes and we’ve already scheduled 22 concerts, including seven outdoor summer shows. The outdoor concert bookings are just starting to trickle in so check with me (or my website) before making any serious summer plans. You don’t want to miss KOW when we come to your town, do you?
As always, we’ll be refreshing the repertoire, playing several new songs (Allman Brothers, Black Crowes, to name a few) along with reviving some of the numbers that we haven’t done in a while.
The schedule is updated as soon as new gigs come in, so bookmark to keep abreast of the newest tour info.
Or just give me a call (during regular business hours, of course).
I’ve booked five more baseball shows since the last newsletter so check out the Musical Baseball Show page ( for the latest news. Surely, there’s one for you within reasonable driving distance. I promise to make it worth your while.
And be sure to check out my latest baseball CD, Baseball’s Greatest Hits, Volume 3. I’ll be playing songs from BGH3 at the baseball shows. The new CD contains songs about great and quirky diamond achievements as well as a nifty tune about knuckleballs (and knuckleballers). For more info, or to order a physical CD or digital download, visit
Only 15 days until pitchers and catchers have their first workout.
I know I wrote about this last month but it’s really important. Please check out the MFD page and purchase a song or two. All the proceeds go toward rebuilding our democracy.
Alternately, you can make donations to candidates in local and special elections who are making it clear that they support democratic ideals. Or you can write letters and postcards. The point is: DO SOMETHING. The midterms are just 21 months away.
The 2025 tour has been named Resist and Regroup. That will be my theme for the immediate future.
Thanks. It’s unfortunate that a music newsletter has to get involved with politics but these are trying times.
Hang in there.
Click here for the concert calendar and scheduling updates.