Howie Newman
2023 release on Major League Records
Words and music by Howie Newman
Chin Music (BMI)
When I was growing up, I used to sing in the shower
And dream about being a rock ’n’ roll star
Then I grew up and got paid by the hour
And learned that dreamin’ wouldn’t get you too far
But in the back of my mind, I always kept my hopes alive
I got a guitar, wrote a bunch of songs
Got some played on the radio
Played a lot of gigs and before too long
Finally figured out it was the way to go
And all the while, I just had to smile
It sure beats workin’ any day
Just the thought of makin’ music
And paying my own way
Makes me happy through and through
It sure beats workin’, that’s the truth

1. It Sure Beats Workin'
2. Hannah's Song
3. Cosmic Garbageman Rag
4. The Class of 2020
5. The Other Tony C
6. A Little Sympathy
7. Way Past My Bedtime
8. Lies, Lies, Lies
9. What Did We Do?
10. You Can't Fool Me
11. Wait Until Next Year
I ain’t rich, I don’t live in a mansion. I drive around town in a beat-up car
But I got a job that really is a passion, got a hold on me deep down in my heart
And my oh my, I’m just a lucky guy
I always thought a dollar earned in music is really worth a whole lot more
But I’ve had no luck explaining that philosophy to the bank and the grocery store
The new generation is here, the new generation is here
This tiny little person is someone we hold dear
The new generation is here
A brand new life will unfold before our eyes
She may become a doctor or fly the friendly skies
Every step along the way is something we will share
The only thing we know for sure is she will get more hair
Each and every day brings something new
Maybe it’s the way she moves or how she looks at you
Or a little gurgle we think might be a word
Either way, it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard
We will all wonder what will happen next
She will learn to crawl and take her baby step
She will grow in leaps and bounds and one thing will be clear
We will celebrate a new generation here
If you take a trip on a rocket ship some warm September day
All you’d see is garbage messing up our Milky Way
Now scientists are curious folks but you’d think they had enough
They shoot this stuff out into space but no one cleans it up
Loose antennas, floatin’ wires, burned out engines, lunar tires
I’m the one who picks it up in my cosmic garbage truck
Solar panels, busted sockets, wayward capsules, retro rockets
The man with the can, I’m your cosmic garbageman
Being a cosmic garbageman, I really can’t complain
It’s always nice and quiet, and there’s never any rain
The pay is good, the hours ain’t bad, got a pension plan to boot
I really don’t mind the meteorites but it’s too far to commute
We’re traveling places nowadays beyond man’s wildest dreams
But no matter where you go in life, someone’s gotta clean
We are all graduates, the Class of 2020
We’re the lucky ones who made it through
We are all survivors in the land of plenty
We outran the darkness and the doom
We salute the brave souls who helped us reach this moment
We will not forget the ones who cared
And we forever mourn the ones who didn’t make it
The emptiness is something we all shared
We tuned out the noise from those who would divide us
Stayed together though we were apart
We prayed for the day when the madness would subside us
Until that day, we all did our part
July the third in ’66, baseball history in the mix
That day, the Giants played Tony Cloninger and the Braves
Tony C was on the hill. You don’t remember him?
Well, now you will. It was his claim to fame. Hit two grand slams in that game
The Braves scored three to start the day, two men on with two away
It was only the first inning, but the fun was just beginning
Dennis Menke walked to the plate
Skipper Herman Franks said “Wait! The strategy is clear:
Let’s walk Menke … and pitch to Tony C.”
He took a mighty cut, hit a long fly ball. The baseball soared right over the wall
Tony C would touch ’em all on that historic day
Four runs in, just one swing, pretty good, a beautiful thing
Once around was really nice, in that game, he did it twice
Last chorus: One grand slam was really nice, on that day, he did it twice
On to inning number four. Up by nine, the Braves got more
Torre reached, so did Bolling. Two men out, but they were rolling
Menke walked up to the plate and Herman Franks said “Wait!
Lightning can’t strike twice. Let’s walk Menke … and pitch to Tony C.”
Now, Tony C was not quite done. His single plated one more run
On the day, nine RBIs, a mark no pitcher would reprise
Pitching-wise, he did just fine. Struck out five and went all nine
On both sides of the ball … Tony C, he did it all
I heard you’ve been around town, knockin’ at my door
Tryin’ to get in touch with me ’cause that’s what friends are for
I’m gonna try and tell you exactly how I feel
You really broke my heart and it ain’t completely healed
So go away from me now, I ain’t done cryin’
I wanna be your friend but I need more time
Y’know that things ain’t been easy since you said goodbye
So I need a little sympathy and a lot more time
When you said farewell, I thought it was the end
I’d never have to worry ’bout seeing you again
But a friend of mine just called and she told me on the phone
That you want to come and see me ’stead of leaving me alone
Please don’t get offended by what I have to say
I’ve just got to tell you that it’s easier this way
Y’know it’s hard to think about the past and wonder why
But it’s harder still to look a disappointment in the eye